Software Developer
Astronaut reading on a planet

About Me:

Hello! My name is KV Le. I'm currently an undergraduate at the University of Washington studying Computer Science and Systems. I always want to learn more, whether it be Software/Web Development, Machine Learning, or Algorithms and Data Structures.

I also love playing video games. Some of my favorite are: osu!, CS:GO, Age of Empires II, and Minecraft. Tennis is also super fun! 🎾

What I've been doing lately
  • Software Engineering at UKG for Fall 2021 đŸ’ģ
  • Researching Genetic Modeling at UWT đŸ§Ŧ
  • Looking for a Summer 2022 Internship đŸ’ŧ
  • The usual school stuff 😅
Astronaut on computer


I have had three software engineer internships and a multitude of small projects to help learn various different languages and technologies.

When it comes to languages, I am comfortable with Python 3, C#, Java, and JavaScript. I have also used SQL, Haskell, Lua, and Rust for various projects and learning exercises.

As for technologies, I am comfortable with ReactJS, ExpressJS, Unity3D, ASP.NET, Git, MongoDB, Firebase, and Linux/Unix. I also have exposure to various SQL backends, AWS services, and PyTorch.

I love to learn more so I'm never afraid to pick up something I'm not familiar with at a job. I believe that my current skills help me pick up technologies fairly quickly.

Download my full resume here

Astronaut on flying rocket kite


GoGo Recycling â™ģ

A web app that provides an easy way for people to come together and share their experiences towards becoming sustainable. [Repo]

Consumer Data Analysis 📊

An analysis on decades worth of Consumer data with over 100,000 personal profiles. It also includes the usage of machine learning techniques for simple predictions. [Repo]

Sub Sinker đŸ’Ĩ

A multiplayer game developed on Unity3D featuring procedurally generated maps

Hot Takes đŸ”Ĩ

A mock social media website run on ExpressJS and ReactJS that allows you to post your opinions and view others. (Note: Not Moderated/Filtered) [Repo]

Astronaut on a rocket

Contact Me:

Email: lecongkhoiviet+career@gmail.com
LinkedIn: @kvietcongle
GitHub: @kvietcong
Twitter: @kvietcong
Phone Number: +1 (360) 813-8851